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Best Boston Marathon Qualifiers

Best Boston Marathon Qualifiers

It's here! Our annual list of the year's
best marathons to help you qualify for the Boston Marathon.

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Nearly 500 marathon courses.
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Fastest Marathons in Kansas

This list ranks the fastest marathons in Kansas based on the race's Personal Record (PR) Score. The PR Score for each marathon is created from an algorithm derived from research on how grade, elevation, and wet bulb temperature and ambient temperature affect marathon running performance. For more detailed information, please visit the FAQ.

The BQ % is the percentage of runners who qualified for the Boston Marathon according to the latest race results. Although it is not always indicative of a fast or slow course, the percent of Boston Marathon qualifiers can provide insight into the quality of the field and/or the speed of the course.

To see a ranking of marathons based only on the course (no weather impact), visit the Fastest Marathon Courses page.

The list only includes certified marathon courses. Keep in mind that PR Scores and ranking assume very good course management and pacing - especially for the extremely downhill races.

Race Name PR Score BQ % Elevation
1 Little Apple Marathon
Manhattan, KS
Very Flat
Very Flat Course
2 Lagerhead Marathon
Ottawa, KS
Rolling Hills
Rolling Course
3 Salina Crossroads Marathon
Salina, KS
Mostly Flat
Mostly Flat Course
4 Eisenhower Marathon
Abilene, KS
Mostly Flat
Mostly Flat Course
5 Gobbler Grind Marathon
Overland Park, KS
Rolling Hills
Rolling Course
6 Prairie Fire Marathon
Wichita, KS
Mostly Flat
Mostly Flat Course
7 Garmin Olathe Marathon
Olathe, KS
Rolling Hills
Rolling Course