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Advertising Opportunities on

Advertising on allows you to showcase your races to the hundreds of thousands of runners who visit our website. It is a great opportunity to increase your registrations and grow brand awareness.

Interested? You may complete the Advertising Inquiry Form or you may email me directly at

Advertising Opportunities

Spotlight Marathon Spotlight Marathon PLUS Featured Race
Price $99/year $199/year $750/year
$400/6 months
Race Highlighted in Calendars
Race Highlighted in Search Results
Race Details in Special Section Above Calendars
(Limited to Only 5 Races)

Featured Races

Featured Races are displayed in a special section at the top of the our different Race Calendar Listings (specific, State, Month, Boston Qualifying races, All, etc.) and Rankings Pages. We limit the number of Featured Races to a maximum of 5 in order to provide more value to advertisers.

The Featured Race Information includes:

  • Your Race Name
  • Your Race Date
  • City/State or other Location of your race
  • Direct link to your race website or registration page.
  • A 75 character custom text description of your events (this text may be modified at any time for changing promotions, deadlines, or marketing.)

In addition to placement in a special section above our Calendar and Ranking Pages, Featured Races will also be highlighted in our Calendars and Search Results.

Your marathon listing will stand out on our popular Marathon Calendars and Search reults with:

  • Race Icon: Adding a visual element to your listing that represents your event.
  • Larger Text: Making your race name catch every runner’s eye.
  • Unique Background Color: Ensuring your listing is unmistakable among others.
  • Our “Spotlight” Race Designation: Branding as a “Spotlight Marathon” on our calendars.

(Featured Race Example Page)

Monthly Impressions: Between 175,000 - 300,000

Featured Race Pricing: $75 per Month ($400 for 6 months | $750 for a year)

Interested? You may complete the Advertising Inquiry Form or you may email me directly at

Spotlight Marathon & Spotlight PLUS Marathon

We are excited to announce a new advertising opportunity on that can help your race attract more participants and gain greater visibility. Spotlight Marathons is the perfect platform to showcase your marathon and make it stand out from the crowd.

What’s Included:

Your marathon listing will stand out on our popular Marathon Calendars (both Spotlight Marathon and Spotlight Marathon PLUS) and/or Search Reults (Spotlight Marathon PLUS only) with:

  • Race Icon: Adding a visual element to your listing that represents your event.
  • Larger Text: Making your race name catch every runner’s eye.
  • Unique Background Color: Ensuring your listing is unmistakable among others.
  • Our “Spotlight” Race Designation: Branding as a “Spotlight Marathon” on our calendars.
This special design draws immediate attention and encourages potential participants to explore your event in detail.

Spotlight Marathon Pricing: $99 per Year

Spotlight Marathon PLUS Pricing: $199 per Year

Interested? You may complete the Advertising Inquiry Form or you may email me directly at


Q: Who do I need to contact if I am interested or have questions?
A: You may complete the Advertising Inquiry Form or you may email me directly at

Q: What are some of the pages that my ad will display on as a Featured Race?
A: Currently, Featured Races will run on our Calendar pages which include Upcoming Marathons, Calendar listing all marathons, and calendars which filter by State, Province, International Marathons, Months, Boston Marathon Qualifiers, etc. In addition, and our very popular pages ranking the Best/Most Boston Qualifiers.