60°F (16°C) Humidity: 75% Partly Cloudy S 6 mph
PR Score
Course Score
How does the Vermont City Marathon Rank?
The Vermont City Marathon was the 60th largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 61st largest in 2023.
Last year 11.2% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 12.2% of runners qualified for Boston in 2023.
This gives the Vermont City Marathon the 152nd highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 140th highest percentage in 2023.
Its Course Score of 98.06 ranks it as the 320th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 2nd fastest course in Vermont.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are slightly above the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Vermont City Marathon a PR Score of 97.75. This PR Score ranks it as the 292nd fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 2nd fastest in Vermont.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Vermont City Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 232 feet (70m) Min Elevation: 98 feet (29m)
Large marathon with tons of people both competing and watching.The course has some long, unshaded sections, so if it's projected to be sunny & warm (like it was this year, 2024), be aware & adjust pace accordingly.
Race Tips
A lot of folks seemed to be hurrying to the start line as the race was going. Thousands of people run in this race, so get to the starting line early!
The course is not flat, but its not hilly either. Its a double loop, and the only real hill is right at the start (and the half) up from the lake in downtown Burlington. It's not long at all though. Other than that, the course is slight downhill or uphill with a downhill finish. Lots of shade even on a sunny day as it runs on some narrow trails, not just city streets.
Race Tips
The course is quite narrow in spots, and congested at the start. I think it easily could be a BQ course, though.
I stayed at the Champlain college dorm which is utilitarian but just fine. Small single room with a locking door and shared shower and bathroom. I didn't even see my suite mates until after the race. Very affordable, too. About a mile uphill from the start/finish, which is fine if you take it slowly.
TR's review of 2023 Vermont City Marathon.
4 /
5 Stars
VCM is a great race. I've run it 6 times over the past 10 years with a few course changes recently. It's a big deal for the town and there is usually a great turnout. It's also well supported from an aid station perspective. The start is a little cramped but it's easy to get as far as you need forward. They do a great job having pacers available for the standard 3:30 and up goal times.
I would argue it's a tough course to PR. It's not flat and the elevation profile doesn't show just how many little ups and downs there are throughout the entire race. There are lots of turns, and overall the pavement is super choppy. Temperature and shade along the route is also now an issue. Expect temps averaging close to 80 now by mid-day over the last few years. Enjoy the route but temper your goal time expectations due to course and weather.
Too little shade along many stretches of road. Now, sun/heat is not a problem in Vermont, but last two years where very warm. '16 was canceled at noon; '17 the start was moved an hour earlier in the day
Race Tips
The "Assault on Battery" is the only real climb and comes at 15.5 miles. It's long and steep at the end. I power-walked it, and I do not think I lost that much time -- but sure saved some strength!
Book hotel EARLY! Burlington VT is a beautiful city, but I do not think they have sufficient hotel rooms near downtown. You may find yourself way out there.
CF's review of 2017 Vermont City Marathon.
4 /
5 Stars
Great spectators and friendly course, awesome volunteers. Too many relay runners make the first half challenging to wade through.
Race Tips
Save some energy for the last six miles on the deserted bike path.