47°F (8°C) Humidity: 87% Overcast N 3 mph
PR Score
Course Score
How does the Tallahassee Marathon Rank?
The Tallahassee Marathon was the 233rd largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 254th largest in 2023.
This year 7.4% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 11.4% of runners qualified for Boston in 2024.
This gives the Tallahassee Marathon the 146th highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 32nd highest percentage so far in 2025.
Its Course Score of 98.85 ranks it as the 233rd fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 16th fastest course in Florida.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are within the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Tallahassee Marathon a PR Score of 98.85. This PR Score ranks it as the 180th fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 8th fastest in Florida.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Tallahassee Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 228 feet (69m) Min Elevation: 32 feet (9m)
Pros: This marathon is well organized, and the course of the second half is flat and fast.
Cons: There are many half marathon runners, but not many run the full. You can be lonely out there in your second half and get lost if you are not familiar with the course.
Race Tips
Save your energy while climbing the hills during the first half.