Marathoners will start heading west along Columbia Park Trail in Kennewick and will then turn north on the Sacajawea Heritage Trail to head into Richland. After going under the I-182 Bridge, the course continues north on the Riverfront Trail path until a turnaround point in Howard Amon park. After completing the out & back section, participants will cross the bridge into Pasco and head east on Court Street until turning onto the Sacajawea Heritage Trail and entering Chiawana Park. Once reaching the Blue Bridge, the course crosses the river again into Kennewick and follows the Sacajawea Heritage Trail east until participants turn onto Clover Island and a short out and back. After turning back onto the Sacajawea Heritage Trail eastbound, participants cross back into Pasco on the Cable Bridge, and turn right onto Washington St. Upon reaching the Sacajawea Heritage Trail at the end of the road, participants will turn right and follow the path back to the Blue Bridge. After crossing the river the final time, the course follows the Sacajawea Heritage Trail back into Columbia Park, and winds back around to finish where the race started.
The course elevation varies between 350 and 400 feet above sea level with the total elevation gain being under 410 feet. Most, if not all, of the elevation gain is encountered when going over the river on the bridges so be prepared for these short climbs.
The Run the River Marathon was the 410th largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 452nd largest in 2023.
Its Course Score of 99.27 ranks it as the 158th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 15th fastest course in Washington.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are slightly above the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Run the River Marathon a PR Score of 99.11. This PR Score ranks it as the 136th fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 14th fastest in Washington.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Run the River Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 432 feet (131m) Min Elevation: 343 feet (104m)