53°F (12°C) Humidity: 72% Mostly Cloudy S 7 mph
PR Score
Course Score
How does the Greater St. Louis Marathon Rank?
The Greater St. Louis Marathon was the 73rd largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 67th largest in 2023.
Last year 5% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 10.2% of runners qualified for Boston in 2023.
This gives the Greater St. Louis Marathon the 316th highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 176th highest percentage in 2023.
Its Course Score of 98.96 ranks it as the 207th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 1st fastest course in Missouri.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are within the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Greater St. Louis Marathon a PR Score of 98.96. This PR Score ranks it as the 156th fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 1st fastest in Missouri.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Greater St. Louis Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 506 feet (154m) Min Elevation: 406 feet (123m)
Hotel & VRBO Accommodations for the Greater St. Louis Marathon
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I liked the fact that it was a route that tried to show you all the sights of the city. However it was the hilliest and hard to every get a rhythm. There were almost no port a johns on the course. At most 2 ever 2 miles and then there were lines for them until the 1/2 Marathons and 10K runners were finally off the course. There's no bushes to run to - just fyi. I saw many women run behind dumpsters if they could find them. Such a joke. Volunteers and water stations were all well maintained except for mile 23ish they had given up by that point. All others were great and helpful.
Race Tips
Better run hills and lots of them. 1000ft of elevation gain on my Garmin. Bottom line not enough port o johns at the start or on the course.
Plenty of hotels on Market street that is the best way to go to easy way to the race. I only had to walk a .5 mile from the Fairfield Inn
jb's review of 2024 Greater St. Louis Marathon.
5 /
5 Stars
The expo, parking, and corral start were all easy, and user-friendly. It had many of the amenities of a major city marathon but was more doable with only 1000 marathoners and 3000 half marathoners. Great crowds and fun atmosphere. It was a bit humid and there were rolling hills, but water/aid stations every mile after the half. Very organized and well-run.
This was probably the least favorite of the 9 marathons I've run. The date moved from the 1st weekend of April in 2023 (when the average high/low temps are 63/42) to the last weekend of April in 2024 (average temps 73/52), so a warmer-than-average day led to dangerously hot conditions. While I don't blame the race directly for the weather, an earlier date would have mitigated this risk.
The expo was fine, although sparsely attended by sponsors.
The parking app provided by race organizers sold me a spot in a lot inaccessible on race day, leading to unnecessary stress in finding a spot (although they did refund me for the inaccessible lot).
Porta-potties at the race start were adequate, but a few more wouldn't have hurt. Potties along the race route were nearly non-existent.
Aid stations were mostly good, although a few weren't adequately staffed, forcing runners to grab cups directly from the table.
The "new" course for 2024 wasn't my favorite. Going past ballpark village early was cool. The route included an out-and-back over the Eads bridge, which is cool to look at from afar, but an unpleasant hill to run over. At least they removed early plans to run past abandoned buildings and vacant lots in East St Louis. Returning from the riverfront was also quite a steep climb. Soulard was enjoyable, but the middle miles were unmemorable. Old North was mixed; while I enjoyed going past St Stanislaus church and Crown Candy, running through St Louis Place Park was very sketchy. The finish chute was exposed to the wind, so despite the hot temps, being in sweaty clothes quickly made me cold. While a backdrop was provided for finisher photos, no photographers were present, and the backdrop was no more than 5 ft tall. While runner photos are included with registration, I ended up with only 6 photos of me. Overall, this event is not befitting a city the size of St Louis.
Dan B's review of 2022 Greater St. Louis Marathon.
5 /
5 Stars
Running through various neighborhoods was neat. Rolling hills for the first half, but more down than up. The second half was an out and back, which proved to be neat because you got to see a lot of runners who are both slower and faster. Plenty of water stops. Could use a few more port-o-lets.
Race Tips
Decent crowds, but nothing at all like Chicago, etc. Spring weather is unpredictable, but typically on the cooler side. No need to carry water. Start conservatively as most of the rolling hills are early. The end is flat and will give you a good opportunity to push.
It is a point to point race. If you have transportation, that's easier than taking a bus to the start or finish. Gear check was free for all runners and was very quick and easy.
SW's review of 2021 Greater St. Louis Marathon.
1 /
5 Stars
Of the 30 marathons I ran in 27 states plus the District of Columbia, there was the first and the only marathon where there was no energy bar/fruit/food of any kind along the route - there were only water (and some Gatorade) stations . The finisher's bag include one 12-ounce bottle of water, one can of beer, a mug, and a one-bite-size pie.