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Bermuda Triangle Challenge Marathon Reviews

Bermuda Triangle Challenge Marathon
2.0 Stars from 1 Runners

  Dropped the ball with Marathon

By about 2018


This was my first marathon! I entered the Bermuda Triangle Challenge which included a Friday night 1 miler, Saturday 10K and a Sunday Marathon. Bermuda is beautiful and the people are out of their way friendly and helpful! My only complaints lie with the Sunday Marathon. The race is clearly gears for the half marathon. There were rumors of a 7am early start time but we did not know this and communication was pretty much non existent with emails. We started at 8 but found out we could have started earlier and were very upset as it would have taken an hour off the heat of the day and the ridicules traffic we found ourselves in after the half marathon was over.

My complaints in short:
1. water stations were too far apart for a race in the tropics.
2. The second loop of the marathon was lonely and abandoned. One turning point did not even have a volunteer to point direction, just a small arrow made with red tape. I had found myself asking which direction at a couple of points on the second loop.
3.Road were opened after the half marathon and traffic was crazy! We were dodging for our lives on the second loop around.
4.Awards were help a mere 4 hrs into the marathon. Less than a third of the runners had completed the marathon by then. The finish line was a ghost town when I arrived. My first marathon, finishing 3rd in my age division and no announcer, no race director, hardly any spectators and they were even tearing down the set! Very anticlimactic and disappointing to say the least. We trained hard for this!
5. We tried for 3 days to get in touch with the race committee to pick up our awards. We went to the office twice, we called several times, sent emails etc. We even had locals trying to reach them on our behalf. Nothing. I had one short email after I got home saying they were sorry the office was closed and they would mail our awards.
6. I emailed our complaints again in hopes of some sort of apology or explanation but no response. My other two runner friends emailed as well, no reply.

Again, Bermuda was beautiful, the overall experience was great. The people are some of the friendliest you will ever meet. They just dropped the ball with the marathon. Sign up for the half, you will have a better experience.

Race Tips

The course is two loops. Quite hilly. Very scenic.

2 / 5 Stars


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