The downhill Tunnel Light Marathon course is a very fast course and usually one the top Boston Qualifiers. The course is mostly packed gravel on an old railway with an average decline of 2.2%. Runners will also run just over two miles through a tunnel.
From race website - The course starts at Hyak, 50 miles east of Seattle Washington, and runs down to North Bend on gravel rail-trails. It is a Boston qualifier and has the best profile in the country for a fast time due to the consistent gentle downhill grade and the low starting elevation. The first three miles are flat, cold, foggy and damp inside an unlit tunnel. Flashlights are strongly recommended. Once out of the Tunnel the gravel trail starts down the hill and keeps on going down, 2050 feet in the next 23 miles. It's never steep enough to be uncomfortable; you just feel like you're having a good day.
56°F (13°C) Humidity: 78% Mostly Cloudy W 3 mph
PR Score
Course Score
How does the Tunnel Light Marathon Rank?
The Tunnel Light Marathon was the 102nd largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 104th largest in 2023.
Last year 33.7% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 34% of runners qualified for Boston in 2023.
This gives the Tunnel Light Marathon the 19th highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 13th highest percentage in 2023.
Its Course Score of 104.88 ranks it as the 6th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 2nd fastest course in Washington.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are above the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Tunnel Light Marathon a PR Score of 103.38. This PR Score ranks it as the 11th fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 3rd fastest in Washington.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Tunnel Light Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 2603 feet (793m) Min Elevation: 521 feet (158m)
Laurie Hallerr's review of 2023 Tunnel Light Marathon.
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5 Stars
I loved this race! Everything was well prepared, lots of information was provided, and instructions were clear. I always have a fear of getting lost during a marathon, especially when it is in the woods. I had no problem with the trail.
Race Tips
I appreciated how clear you were with the instructions, especially reminding runners that most of the course is downhill. The "Swimming pool" at the end where we could do a cold plunge with our legs was immensely helpful for my sore legs and in my recovery.
All of the published information was clear and most helpful. Thank you so much for your hard work in preparing the course for runners.
Laurie Hallerr's review of 2023 Tunnel Light Marathon.
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5 Stars
I was privileged to run the Tunnel Light Marathon on September 10 , 2023. I really enjoyed running a marathon that did not have any huge hills. The trail was well cared for, and I especially loved running through the tunnel! Also, it is refreshing to run a marathon where much of the trail is downhills.
Race Tips
I consulted with a few others on pacing strategy. The more info we can get ahead of the race, the better prepared runners will be mentally. Emphasizing the downhill nature of the course is also important.
I think you did a great job with info that was sent out by email ahead of time. The importance of wearing a head lamp in the tunnel also emphasized. Most important, I loved the cold water plunge at the end of the race. My recovery is much better because I was able to spend time allowing my legs to rest a bit. Thank you for a wonderful DOWNHILL race!
Anand's review of 2022 Tunnel Light Marathon.
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5 Stars
Simple and small race. Sufficiently late start (8AM) due to an amazing weather.. allows you to wake up at 6am and still with plenty of time to catch shuttle, porta potties etc. Race also offers a race day bib pick-up easing travel arrangements. Even down hill with not so many turns. Packed gravel.. have to watch out for ankle twists - I had two such moments personally and another friend had a swollen ankle at the end of the race with one such slips becoming a bit too much. So watch where you land constantly. Post race party was fantastic - intimate family like.. Race director, owner and her family all there to personally attend on runners from getting them salt tabs/electrolytes/recovery refreshments to any other needs the runners may have. Home cooked chili with guac, sour cream and onions was a runners delight.
Race Tips
Tunnel can be a bit slick if it had been raining the prev few days.. Flashlight is a must. Constantly be on the watch out for where and how you are landing. This is a small trade off you make to reward yourself with a gentle continuous downhill.
All my training runs were for a flat marathon and I came quite well on this gentle downhill.. so this is not like the revels or the St. Georges (which I have done) that will be utmost cruel in the later stage if u r not trained for downhill running.
Best place to stay in is at Issaquah.. decent hotels, grocery shops, restaurants near by. 15-20min drive from the shuttle pick-up. You can leave at 630am and still be in time for porta potties and catch the shuttle bus. Rental car is a must at Seatac. Keep yourself warm staying inside the buses at startline until race start. GPS is non existent inside the tunnel - so use mile markers
RY's review of 2022 Tunnel Light Marathon.
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5 Stars
Just a really beautiful course, whether in the forest or with sweeping views or crossing dramatic bridges. Mostly shady, less so at end. Tunnel is fun, was a bit damp. Well organized with super friendly staff and volunteers, and fun food and leg soak pool at the end. Slight uphill finish. Highly recommended!
Race Tips
Tunnel comes up right at the start so have your flashlight ready. I used a small hanndheld which worked fine, just put my bib # on it with a piece of masking tape. Regular road shoes with no gaiters was fine though it's definitely dirt & gravel. On course restrooms are park facilities. In my case my quads actually were not ready for the downhill after 100% flat training (odd, since I'd run super downhill Revel courses with no problems). YMMV.
Start area is very relaxed, incl. race day bib pickup. You can stay with your check bag up til just before the start (there are just piles there to drop it off at). After the race, Snoqualmie is a picturesque stop for a bite and the Falls are worth seeing.