The Sundance to Spearfish Marathon starts at 6,600 feet in Cement Ridge, Sundance, Wyoming and travels 3,000 feet down to the finish in Spearfish, South Dakota on approximately half paved road and half runnable gravel roads. There is one uphill around the second mile. The course is a very fast, mostly downhill race - great chance for a PR.
Since the course runs from Sundance, Wyoming to Spearfish, South Dakota, it counts for either a Wyoming or a South Dakota marathon.
The Sundance to Spearfish Marathon was the 415th largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 380th largest in 2023.
Last year 33.8% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 33.7% of runners qualified for Boston in 2023.
This gives the Sundance to Spearfish Marathon the 18th highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 14th highest percentage in 2023.
Its Course Score of 103.03 ranks it as the 17th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 1st fastest course in South Dakota.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are within the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Sundance to Spearfish Marathon a PR Score of 103.03. This PR Score ranks it as the 15th fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 1st fastest in South Dakota.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Sundance to Spearfish Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 6618 feet (2017m) Min Elevation: 3640 feet (1109m)
Hotel & VRBO Accommodations for the Sundance to Spearfish Marathon
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MK's review of 2021 Sundance to Spearfish Marathon.
5 /
5 Stars
Very well organized race and absolutely stunning scenery. Plenty of water/Gatorade available on the course and everyone was extremely friendly.
Race Tips
The only thing I wish I had done differently was to hug the paint line more on the second half of the race. I did a really good job not adding distance the first half of the race because I ran the tangents on the gravel portion really well, but I somehow added on almost 0.7 miles of running in the second half of the race. Be ready for your quads to be torched by the end with all of the downhill.