50°F (10°C) Humidity: 88% Mostly Cloudy N 7 mph
PR Score
Course Score
How does the Sleeping Bear Marathon Rank?
The Sleeping Bear Marathon was the 285th largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 277th largest in 2023.
Last year 4.2% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 2.7% of runners qualified for Boston in 2023.
This gives the Sleeping Bear Marathon the 351st highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 413th highest percentage in 2023.
Its Course Score of 98.38 ranks it as the 290th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 11th fastest course in Michigan.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are within the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Sleeping Bear Marathon a PR Score of 98.38. This PR Score ranks it as the 231st fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 6th fastest in Michigan.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Sleeping Bear Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 809 feet (246m) Min Elevation: 589 feet (179m)
Hotel & VRBO Accommodations for the Sleeping Bear Marathon
View available accomodations around the Sleeping Bear Marathon Finish Line and Course. Book your Reservation now before the best places are sold out.
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How Fast Can You Go?
If you ran the Sleeping Bear Marathon in 5:21:00, what would your time in other marathons be?
See how your race times would compare on other marathon courses with our time conversion tool.
This marathon is a challenge with the hills. You run the hills both out and back. Typically a course that is difficult to PR. Do not expect many cheer squads unless you bring your own.
Race Tips
Practice running on tired legs and lots of hill work. From mile 18.5 to mile 24.75 is mostly hills with climbs of nearly 200 feet.
The hotel in Empire fills fast so book early. If you want a pasta dinner at a restaurant make reservations early or have the pasta dinner at packet pick up. Parking is close by and plentiful.