The Little Rock Marathon course is a fairly challenging course comprised of lots of rolling hills - especially the first 2/3rds of the race. After the large downhill after approximately mile 18.5, the next six miles are rolling. The hills on the last mile and a half will challenge weary runners.
Named as one of Runner's World "Bucket List: 10 Great Marathons for First Timers" in 2017, come fill your bucket at the 23rd Annual Little Rock Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, and Little Rockers Kids Marathon. A race with personality, loads of southern hospitality, tons of caring volunteers, a running or walking tour through the scenic streets of Arkansas' capital city and an impressive finisher's medal. We are a race for every pace. We love walkers, 8-hour time limit for Marathon race.
The Little Rock Marathon was the 76th largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 68th largest in 2023.
This year 4.3% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 3.7% of runners qualified for Boston in 2024.
This gives the Little Rock Marathon the 369th highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 51st highest percentage so far in 2025.
Its Course Score of 97.65 ranks it as the 351st fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 5th fastest course in Arkansas.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are within the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Little Rock Marathon a PR Score of 97.65. This PR Score ranks it as the 301st fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 5th fastest in Arkansas.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Little Rock Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 497 feet (151m) Min Elevation: 221 feet (67m)
I ran this race yesterday, and my experience was diminished by half-marathoners and walkers. We split from the half-marathoners at mile 6 and rejoined them at mile 7.5, which meant I had to weave through runners 1.5 miles behind me going much slower. They also seemed to lack any sense of running etiquette, cutting me off to wave to friends and coming to a compete stop at the water stops. I was relieved to be done with them by mile 14, only to have to contend with the early starters who were walking the course, many several abreast. The course is tough, with numerous grades leading to 2 big climbs from miles 15 to 17, followed by a long, quad-burning 2-mile downhill to mile 19. From there we ran through 2 parks on relatively flats, turning onto the Arkansas River Trail (a greenway) that went into a headwind, which I had to fight through for the remainder of the race. The last 1.5 miles had some not insignificant uphills. The volunteers were great, most of them balancing cups on their palms. Kudos to the race director who taught them that. There were also abundant water stops with numerous spectators also offering water and other beverages. The medal was obscenely huge and gaudy in keeping with the Mardi Gras theme. It was a fairly ordinary urban course, although the road surfaces weren't all in such great shape. I enjoyed those late 6 miles through parks the most. Despite my complaints, I ran my best time in 6 years and got 2nd in my age group, finishing 109/1353, so I don't know what those behind me experienced. I really liked that the convention center was open for runners before the race and hosted us afterwards, as it was 36 degrees at the start and in the 40s when I finished. The post-race spread was adequate, and the expo was fine.
Race Tips
Prepare for hills. I passed a lot of runners on the hills, and the downhill was one of the longest, steepest downhills that I have ever run in a marathon. Bring your own Gu or whatever gel you use. Take advantage of staying warm in the convention center for as long as possible. Don't go out too fast.
I stayed at the Doubletree, which was right next door to the convention center. The Marriott is at the convention center. If you plan on eating at Bruno's Little Italy, the line will be very long, so get there early.
Cd's review of 2024 Little Rock Marathon.
5 /
5 Stars
This is an outstanding marathon! Due to heat predicted in 2024, the race organizers moved the start from 8am to 6am. Brilliant! Organization is superb! Other marathons should study this one. They accommodated bib pickup race morning and were there by 4:30am! The start just flowed smoothly and was perfect. Plenty of time to use the many toilets. The course runs through town and the a ways out on flat ground. Always plenty of space to move, unlike many cramped courses. Plenty of flat road instead of running on a slope. They have a slow start for walkers/runners. Very considerate! Pacers are everywhere! 4:40, 4:45, 4:50, etc that I saw. The shirt is very fun. The medal is superb! (Won’t spoil it for you). The water provided at the end is special. None of this clear plastic stuff. The food is top notch! Everybody seemed to have fun. The Just sign up! They don’t get much better. AMAZING!!!
Extremely well supported. Many more than 1 station every two miles in spots they may 3 per mile. Highlights the nice bridge you run over twice, you run up next the capital building.then along a wooded area. When you finish you get the largest finisher medal is an understatement which is fantastic. Beer drinks pasta ect.
Race Tips
Prepare for winding hills from 15-18. That's not the only hills just the difficult part.
Getting to the convention center the day of the race is more difficult than packet pickup day. I was was dropped off by the convention center which was a win.
JS's review of 2022 Little Rock Marathon.
5 /
5 Stars
Most importantly - The medal! At 3 pounds the 2022 medal (20th anniversary) is the mother of all medals. I do not know how the will top that!
Start and finish at the convention center is awesome! Great, comfortable facilities that provide fantastic shelter regardless of the weather.
The course is challenging. I was not prepared for the hills and paid for it. It is well marked and well assisted with almost enough water stations.
- They should start at sun rise. 8 AM is too late, when I ran it was already hot and humid, no bueno!
- A few more water stations will also help on those hot days.