47°F (8°C) Humidity: 82% Clear NNE 4 mph
PR Score
Course Score
How does the City of Oaks Marathon Rank?
The City of Oaks Marathon was the 103rd largest marathon in the U.S. last year and was the 103rd largest in 2023.
Last year 4.8% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon and 4.8% of runners qualified for Boston in 2023.
This gives the City of Oaks Marathon the 327th highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year and the 351st highest percentage in 2023.
Its Course Score of 97.07 ranks it as the 377th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 12th fastest course in North Carolina.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are slightly above the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the City of Oaks Marathon a PR Score of 96.60. This PR Score ranks it as the 361st fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 11th fastest in North Carolina.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
City of Oaks Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 466 feet (142m) Min Elevation: 214 feet (65m)
Travis Hicks's review of 2018 City of Oaks Marathon.
4 /
5 Stars
I enjoyed this marathon, but it was TOUGH because of all the hills. 1,300+ ft. of elevation gain!!, with the 21-24 mile section being the toughest, over 200 ft in a 3-4 mile stretch. I finished this marathon with a little gas in the tank, and I felt like I had conquered the world, even though this wasn't my marathon PR. A tough race, but worth it. Did I mention the HILLS?
Race Tips
If possible, train on hills, hills, and more hills. Pace yourself. The first half is urban, running around landmarks on city streets. The second half is almost entirely on a greenway, coming back around to NC State's bell tower for a mostly downhill final 2.2 miles. The whole course has hills, but save up a little energy for that 21-24 mile stretch. Make sure you're comfortable running on wide streets as well as narrow greenways. This year they had plenty of water and sports drink for the first half and then added energy gels to stops on the second half of the course.
Plenty of hotels and restaurants near the start/finish line at NC State's campus and in downtown Raleigh. Campus parking on a weekend is easy and convenient. Arrive early enough to walk from parking decks to the start line, and make sure you eat and stretch out enough following the race so that you can walk back to your car.
Anonymous's review of 2016 City of Oaks Marathon.
5 /
5 Stars
Great marathon! It was my first and it went very well. Goes through Raleigh, then out on the greenway and back. Plenty of spectators, music along the way, aid stations every two miles, and great weather. Only bad thing was the big hill at mile 23. Overall great experience.
Disappointing race. Way to many other race distances makes things very confusing. Organization looking to make profit for event production company. Took away all prize $ after 10 years too. Ran many times competing and winning $ but no desire to support any longer.
Race started on time. You might want to get there early if you want to be in the front to start the race. Lot of porta-potties at start/finish.
Pros - Pretty course, see both downtown Raleigh and lots of Greenway of Raleigh. Well organized. Course well marked. Lots of volunteers. Lots of aid stations which offered gel packs, gatorade/water. Free parking. Reasonable price. Pizza at finish. Beer at finish (though I couldn't find it). Bag drop. Weather is usually fairly cool at start. Times are posted right away. Both chip and gun time.
Cons - Not a lot of parking close by, hard to find parking...causing a long walk to start the race. No pacers showed up on race day 2016. Not sure why. Feels crowded at the start due to marathoners and half-marathon starting at the same time. The course is also shared with 10K and 5K at various parts of the race so there is more traffic on course than the 500 finishers of marathon. Tough hill at end of course about mile 23.
I am planning on doing this course again to improve on my time.
Race Tips
Save some energy for the last hills around mile 23. they are a beast.