The Blue Ridge Marathon is self-proclaimed as the "America's Toughest Road Marathon." It lives up to it's billing with long climbs and a very challenging course. The course starts at about 950', climbs peaks of approximately 2100', 1700', and 1600' and returns to the finish area back around 950'. Any PRs or BQs will be well earned at this marathon.
55°F (13°C) Humidity: 72% Partly Cloudy N 5 mph
PR Score
Course Score
Don't forget your Pace Band for the
Blue Ridge Marathon
Pace Bands are adjusted for the specific terrain of the course, your goal time and pacing strategies.
Only $9.99
How does the Blue Ridge Marathon Rank?
The Blue Ridge Marathon was the 142nd largest marathon in the U.S. last year.
Last year 1.3% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon.
This gives the Blue Ridge Marathon the 423rd highest percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers in the U.S. last year.
Its Course Score of 89.51 ranks it as the 438th fastest marathon course in the U.S. and the 9th fastest course in Virginia.
The typical race time temperature and humidity levels are the ideal range for optimal marathon performance. This, coupled with the Course Score, gives the Blue Ridge Marathon a PR Score of 89.51. This PR Score ranks it as the 436th fastest marathon in the U.S. and the 9th fastest in Virginia.
Learn more about PR Scores and Course Scores on the FAQ page.
Blue Ridge Marathon Elevation Chart
Max Elevation: 2145 feet (653m) Min Elevation: 920 feet (280m)
HUGE challenge! Over 7000 feet of elevation gain/loss, multiple mountains to run! "Race to complete not compete." But then you have conquered "America's toughest road marathon!"
Race Tips
Huge mountains to climb. Work on hill training.
It is congested at the beginning and in the first mile when you start up the first mountain climb since the full marathon, the half, and the 10k all start at the same time and start off on the same route.
This was my fourth year running the Blue Ridge Half and it did not disappoint. The expo was set up at the Start Finish area in Elmwood park and had a great market feel to it with the layout. There were free concerts going on next door at the amphitheater. The food truck choices were good but not really day before race fuel so I walked about 2 blocks to Jack Browns for a burger and sweet potato fries. I always eat a burger the night before a race, I'm not a fan of the pasta sitting on me all night. I stayed nearby at a nice Air BnB in a quiet neighborhood.
Race day, I got to the finish an hour early and parked in a nearby garage and met up with several friends. The course is challenging for a half with over 1700' elevation gain and the climbing starts early. Those climbs are rewarded with beautiful views overlooking the town and nearby Blue Ridge Mountains. The town comes out and cheers and has block parties so it has a great feeling. The water stops are well stocked and everyone is encouraging and friendly.
After crossing the finish you're back at the park and the packet pick up tent is now the food and beverage tent. There's recovery tables set up with local PT doing massages, and rolling what hurts. The award ceremony happens between bands in the amphitheater.
Over all, this is one of my favorite races and I'm already looking forward to 2023!
Race Tips
Take your time, this is not a BQ race. This race is all about proving to yourself that you can do anything.
As challenging as it's advertised to be, the scenery is gorgeous and the support is fantastic, proof that "southern hospitality" is real. The aid stations were fabulous, with lots of friendly volunteers, even some at scenic points to take your picture, bananas, oranges at many, and although the crowds weren't huge, they were wonderfully friendly and supportive all along the way.
Race Tips
I notice the description says there are no pace groups, but this year there were, and although I couldn't keep up with mine, for as long as I did the pacer was great. Do the best you can to train for hills because they are huge and nonstop, and as others have said, this is not a race for a PR for most of us. Just enjoy the views, the experience and the camaraderie of your fellow runners whom I found to be as friendly and nice as in any race I've done.
Very tough road marathon with lots of steep hills that just kept on coming! Excellent race support with frequent aid stations including food at several stops, well-trained volunteers, and a scenic course. End of course food pizza and fruit, nothing special. Nice shirt, medal, and running socks.
Race Tips
Steep hills may best be tackled with a run/walk. Even the downhills are tough, some pretty steep.
10k, half, and full marathoners start together, then split off.